What is a post?
This page gives you an overview of the types of posts on Lylac, and links to pages explaining what each post can do and can be used for.
Last updated
This page gives you an overview of the types of posts on Lylac, and links to pages explaining what each post can do and can be used for.
Last updated
On Lylac, posts are versatile. They exist to perform different functions, and to allow the user to engage and interact with their communities in a variety of ways.
Currently, you can upload images, write a note, create a new open call and create a new folder.
Types of Posts on the platform:
Image posts: Allow you to submit an image.
Text posts: These are for short and long form text based information. You would use this when creating a piece of writting, such as a poem, short story, article, etc.
Projects: Projects are posts with their own visual language, intended to let you express a small confined body of work. They only allow for some text and a few images, and present your profile information at the bottom of the page.
Folders: Folders allow you to group posts on Lylac. You can save any type of post in a folder, and even save your collection into another! These can also be helpful when wanting to categorise your work, thoughts or ideas, when creating a forum environment or setting up spaces dedicated to specific topics.
Every post can be liked, replied to, saved and shared, with additional options.
Replies are shown below the post under 'Replies'.